General terms and conditions of use and sale (GTCUS) "Yapla”

Yapla is a platform offered by Yapla Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada with its registered office located at 5605, Gaspé Avenue, Suite 801, Montréal, Québec H2T 2A4 (“Yapla”).

Yapla offers to the users of the Yapla Platform, a software for the management of associations which enables, in particular, an association to manage its members, its donations and contributions, its communication, its events and its accounting. The detailed functionality of the Yapla Platform and the terms of use are described within the documentation made available here : General Condition Of Use "Yapla".

Yapla uses the Stripe payment platform, certain functions of which are integrated to the Yapla Platform. The use of the Stripe payment platform is governed by the Stripe connected account agreement (refer to this link), which includes the Stripe terms of use (together referred to as the “Stripe Services Agreement” found at this link). Other payment platforms could eventually be authorized for use on the Yapla Platform and integrated therein from time to time, at the discretion of Yapla.

The present General terms and conditions of use describe the terms and conditions related to the use of the Platform and the rights and obligations between Yapla, the association and any user.

Yapla and the organization or association are hereinafter defined individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”. The terms beginning with a capitalized letter have the meaning given to them in Section 1.