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Articles to support you and your commitment

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10 creative ways to energize your nonprofit community

For nonprofit organizations, engaged stakeholders are a valuable asset, driving growth, fostering unity, and enhancing resources for ambitious projects. Prioritizing community engagement is vital for sustainable mission fulfillment and stimulating growth. In this article, we'll explore 10 strategies to energize and mobilize your community in support of your nonprofit organization.
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How to (re)motivate the members of your NPO?

What is better than a team of motivated members within your NPO? Whether it's for the general ambiance within the organization or for the smooth running of your NPO projects, keeping your members motivated is essential. To do so, there are many lines of action . We present the main ones in this article!

How to retain members and improve membership renewals in 2024?

As a NPO, retaining members can be challenging. Here's the key to improving membership renewals for your members.