Our clients testify

Discover how our 60,000 NPO clients simplify their daily lives, fund their activities, and offer new services to their communities with Yapla


Discover Yapla

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How UDI manages a growing community of 300+ NPOs with Yapla?

"In the past, employees worked on administrative tasks, registrations, billing requests... Now everything is automated in Yapla and the team dedicates its time to higher value-added tasks like creating content for our community!"
Read the article


Energize your digital strategy together

The Yapla team is here to share its expertise, help you improve your daily operations, and enhance your visibility within your community

Dynamisons votre stratégie numérique

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Energize your digital strategy together

  • Analysis and consultation
  • Web design and development, and SEO
  • Configuration and training on the platform
  • And much more!

Discover Yapla Professional Services

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