Our clients testify

Discover how our 60,000 NPO clients simplify their daily lives, fund their activities, and offer new services to their communities with Yapla


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Health and wellness NPOs leverage Yapla to grow

"Yapla has really helped the field of kinesiology grow exponentially across Canada, whether it’s in administration, registration processes, event organization or communication between different software programs."
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Simplifying the management of a health NPO with Yapla: The case of AFSFC-VS

Discover how the Association de fibromyalgie et du syndrome de fatigue chronique de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (AFSFC-VS) overcame the challenges posed by the pandemic with Yapla. An essential digital transition to maintain connections with members and optimize the management of memberships and remote activities.
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Energize your digital strategy together

The Yapla team is here to share its expertise, help you improve your daily operations, and enhance your visibility within your community

Dynamisons votre stratégie numérique

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Energize your digital strategy together

  • Analysis and consultation
  • Web design and development, and SEO
  • Configuration and training on the platform
  • And much more!

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