ANSCAM is an organization that brings together all sport participants in the French group of
Crédit Agricole to develop a dynamic image through sport within the company.
The association is most well known for organizing the Groupe Crédit Agricole national championships and the Crédit Agricole omnisport days, the biggest corporate sporting event in France and even in Europe.
As a national federated organization, ANSCAM supervises the memberships of legal persons, including sports clubs, social and economic committees (SECs), and other organizations. These affiliated entities manage the memberships of licensed sports practitioners.
The organization and its affiliates see a high staff turnover. To ensure good coordination and continuity in the transmission of information, it is important that data circulates smoothly between the different entities (such as the number of practitioners per sport).
In this sense, ANSCAM’s first challenge was to have an adapted and up-to-date management system and centralized database for member organizations (SECs and sports associations) and their activities (for example, the number of licensees).
Moreover, while the membership fee for licensed legal persons is fixed, the contribution of SECs is unique and less complex in terms of management. The membership fee for SECs is in fact made up of a fixed portion and a variable portion which depends on the number of Crédit Agricole employees in the SEC.
ANSCAM supervises more than 24 different sports disciplines that are practised throughout France through different affiliated organizations. To organize and coordinate the different sports more easily, each discipline is managed by a dedicated national manager.
These national managers need access to a centralized database in order to get a clear overview of the state of their sport in terms of registrations, renewals, payments, and more.
However, as a security measure, access to the database must be controlled. For example, the national rugby manager does not need access to data on swimmers. This is why ANSCAM needed a centralized, secure database that can manage access based on the user profile.
The ANSCAM board of directors is made up of a team of 10 people. Together, they supervise:
This means that a significant volume of files and registrations need to be processed, both for ANSCAM, the SECs and other affiliate organizations.
For example, the association must ensure that all affiliated organizations and sports practitioners have a valid membership and medical certificate. If not, they must be able to easily and efficiently notify members that their membership has expired and check their medical certificate.
This is why ensuring the proper follow-up on their large volume of files is a major challenge for ANSCAM and the teams, as they continuously dedicate more time and energy to improving services for the community
Building on the momentum of its transition to digital, ANSCAM took advantage of Yapla’s expertise and integrated a CMS (Content Management System) to develop a brand-new, streamlined website offering strategic content that is easier to consult at a glance.
The advantage of this system is that it communicates with Yapla’s registration features. The ANSCAM community can therefore join the association, register for events and log in to their member section from the website.
But above all, the ANSCAM team can enrich, update and bring its new website to life all on its own.
ANSCAM issues a license to each member to ensure that they are covered when practising sports.
Given the large number of licensees (3,500 per year for the Crédit Agricole omnisport days alone), ANSCAM leverages the power of Yapla to automate the generation and sending of licenses to save time and avoid errors.
Yapla makes it easy for ANSCAM and other similar federations to manage a large volume of registrations and ensure efficient follow-up through an online registration system for memberships and event ticketing. All organizations also benefit from a wide range of management tools to make their day-to-day lives easier.
For example, licensees can upload their medical certificate to the online registration system. Organizations, for their part, benefit from a notification system that keeps them up to date on new membership applications. They can then manually verify medical certificates before approving memberships.
More specifically, ANSCAM can dynamically manage the price of SEC memberships (which depends on the number of employees) on Yapla via the registration page.
In summary, while this registration system is more efficient for ANSCAM managers and its affiliated organizations, it also significantly improves the member experience.
Moreover, the ability to validate a licensee’s registration allows organizations to deliver the Pass’Sport, an official French document that ensures that young athletes are covered when they participate in sports. With Yapla, we have automated this process to save teams even more time.
One of ANSCAM’s major challenges is to ensure that the association’s teams and the leaders of its member organizations remain aligned. The advantage of Yapla is its collaborative and multi-administrator aspect.
In concrete terms, thanks to the Group functionality in Yapla, each ANSCAM affiliated organization has its own section on Yapla and access to different management tools, all connected and centralized within the ANSCAM account.
As a result, ANSCAM, as the parent organization, can access data on its members’ activities (such as the number of licensed sports practitioners) in real time. This setup also allows national (sport) managers and administrators of each affiliated entity to access the different types of data that concern them.
This same group functionality allows ANSCAM and its affiliated organizations to target specific audiences as part of their communication strategy on Yapla. For example, each sport discipline has a target audience with whom organizations can communicate directly.
To provide an optimal response to ANSCAM’s needs, Yapla’s professional services team mobilized and leveraged its different resources and fields of expertise.
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