12 ways to thank your volunteers and members

Whether your nonprofit organization is a professional association, foundation, or community group, chances are you collaborate with one or more volunteers and members. But do you know how to express your gratitude? We present 12 ways to acknowledge their contributions!
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12 ways to thank your volunteers and members
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Appreciation for Nonprofit Members: Volunteers, Supporters & Organization are Crucial!

The contribution of volunteers and members is crucial to the majority of nonprofits. Recognizing their work is the right response to the time, expertise, and resources they invest in your organization. By thanking them, you not only express personal gratitude but also that of your nonprofit, allowing you to:

  • Demonstrate your organization's values,
  • Facilitate volunteer retention,
  • Increase visibility for volunteer opportunities, easing recruitment.


Do You Know Your Volunteers and Members?

Volunteering is, above all, a human story, and the key to thanking volunteers is to know them personally. Start by identifying:

  • The reason for their engagement with your organization (values, flexibility),
  • The benefits they seek from volunteering (self-giving, networking, expertise, etc.).

Ask your volunteers to complete the Volunteer Canada survey, which identifies their personality type and preferred method of appreciation. Volunteer Canada distinguishes 4 ways to thank:

  1. Rewards and gifts: This volunteer appreciates tangible gestures that highlight their efforts.
  2. Meetings and socializing: This volunteer likes to be invited to socialize and network.
  3. Sincere accolades: These individuals prefer a personalized thank you and want to know how their efforts have helped the community.
  4. Warm applause: In this category, we find volunteers proud of their achievements. They want their colleagues, friends, and family to celebrate them loudly!


Thanking Volunteers & Members: Our 12 Tested Ideas

Once the type of appreciation is identified, all that's left is to figure out how to say thank you! Here are 12 ideas for thanking volunteers in your nonprofit organization:

  1. Host an intimate dinner for socializing and spending time together.
  2. Invite the volunteer or member to an exclusive event they wouldn't otherwise have access to.
  3. Provide opportunities to meet influential figures or network.
  4. Offer training or workshops to develop their knowledge.
  5. Publicly thank them, for example, at an event, on your website, through a video, or on social media.
  6. Demonstrate the importance of the volunteer's or member's work with concrete facts.
  7. Consider the ideas and feedback of the person to improve your processes and programs.
  8. Collect thanks from your team, as well as from those who directly or indirectly benefit from the volunteer's/member's work.
  9. Write a letter of recommendation to assist the person in their other projects.
  10. Give a local gift or one representing your sector; volunteers often care about the vibrancy of their community.
  11. Nominate them for an award such as the Volunteer Tribute Award in Quebec or the Volunteer Action
  12. Recognition Gala.
  13. Write a personal letter.


Template for a Personal Thank-You Letter to Volunteers and Members of Your NPO

Writing a thank-you note to volunteers and members of your nonprofit is relatively simple to set up and can make a difference! You can opt for a classic paper card or choose the digital route and send your personalized note via email using tools like Yapla Newsletters.

Here's an example thank-you note; feel free to personalize it and add your touch to make it more impactful!


Subject: Thank You for Your Commitment!

Dear [Volunteer or Member's First Name],

We wanted to take a moment to express our sincere thanks for your involvement in [Your Organization's Name] journey.

Your time, energy, and unwavering commitment are invaluable. You play a pivotal role in the success of [Your Organization's Name], and we are truly grateful.

We are delighted and proud to have you with us. Ready to continue the journey with us?

Once again, thank you for your dedication!

From the entire [Your Organization's Name] team



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Solène, marketing manager

Solène Beguin

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